After a campaign by Cllr Roger Harding and myself and thanks to our Conservative leadership within Cornwall Council we have been able to increase the options available for paying Council Tax.
Until now former Penwith council tax payers were charged an additional £2.40 Transcash fee for each payment when paying via the Post Office despite the fact that council tax payers elsewhere in Cornwall were able to pay free of charge.
From September 1st (next week) council tax payers in Penwith will be able to pay their Council Tax at their local Post office at no extra cost.
Elderly people in particular find it convenient to pay their council tax at the post office and many other people would like to support their post office without being penalised in this way. Post offices are still under pressure and this is one thing we can do to help them
Council Tax payments can be made at the Post Office with no additional fee from September 1st by means of a Paypoint Card. These can be obtained from Cornwall Council free of charge.
As Conservatives we are committed to increasing the role of post office branches and this new service helps to make our rural branches in particular more sustainable. However, there is room for improvement with the Paypoint card scheme. It can take up to three weeks for your payment to be processed and by that time many people have received reminders from Cornwall Council. I have spoken with Cornwall Council to see if this can be resolved as this has the potential of discouraging people from paying via the post office. We must do all we can to support our local post office