Tuesday, 13 April 2010


I want Cornwall to be an attractive place to do business. We face unprecedented challenges in Cornwall in relation to our local economy. If elected I will work hard for Cornwall and pledge the following:
More apprenticeships
As part of the Conservative commitment to create 100,000 extra apprenticeships and training places, I will work with our colleges and employers so that we are able to offer the places needed by local school leavers.
GDP figures for Cornwall
I intend to submit a Private Members Bill that requires the Office of National Statistics to provide accurate Gross Domestic Product figures at a county level every quarter. Businesses will then have accurate data to help plan their future.
All of these commitments, along with the following actions of a Conservative Government will mean that a Conservative MP in St Ives is good for business and good for jobs:
A Conservative Government will:• Deliver superfast broadband to Cornwall by 2017
• Give Automatic Rate Relief to businesses that qualify. So no more applications and no more confusion.
• Reduce Regulation - a Conservative government will ensure any new law must include cuts in old laws which, together, produce a net 5% reduction in the regulatory burden.
• All Regulators will be re-assessed and their duties reviewed.
• Remove the age cap on training funding so people of all ages can benefit from government-funded training schemes.